Formative Practice 6.2 – Science Form 2 Chapter 6

Question 1:(a) Complete the following equation.(b) If sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solution are added together, what would be the product?Write down your answer in a word equation. Answer:(a) Acid + Alkali ➝ Salt + Water(b) Sulphuric acid + Sodium hydroxide ➝ Sodium sulphate + Water Question 2:Explain how toothpaste works in cleaning teeth and … Read more

Activity 6.5 – Science Form 2 Chapter 6

Activity 6.5:Aim: To study the neutralisation reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution.Materials: Phenolphthalein, 0.5 M hydrochloric acid and 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solutionApparatus: Burette, pipette, conical flask, retort stand with clamp, white tile and filter funnelInstruction1. Fill 30 ml of hydrochloric acid into a burette using a filter funnel and record the initial … Read more

Formative Practice 6.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 6

Question 1:Predict the arrangement of the following substances in decreasing order of pH value.Orange juice Bitter gourd juice Hydrochloric acid Mineral water Answer:Bitter gourd juice, mineral water, orange juice, hydrochloric acid Question 2:Explain the reason why the labels of acid and alkali bottles have the symbol as in the diagram below. Answer:Acids and alkalis are … Read more

Activity 6.2 – Science Form 2 Chapter 6

Activity 6.2:Aim: To determine acidic and alkaline substances in daily life using various indicators.Materials: Blue litmus paper, red litmus paper, universal indicator, methyl orange, phenolphthalein, fizzy drink, dishwashing liquid, distilled water, syrup and salt waterApparatus: Dropper, test tube, measuring cylinder, pH meter and test tube rackInstruction1. Add 2 ml of a fizzy drink, dishwashing liquid, … Read more

Activity 6.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 6

Activity 6.1:Aim: To study the properties of acids and alkalis.Materials: Dilute hydrochloric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium hydroxide solution, concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, lime juice, bitter gourd juice, magnesium ribbon, filter paper, sandpaper, blue litmus paper and red litmus paper, wooden splinter, matches, pH paper and pH chartApparatus: Test tube, dropper, Petri dish and … Read more