PT3 Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Science Notes and Videos

Form 1 Science (KSSM)

01 Introduction to Scientific Investigation

  1. Science is Part of Daily Life
  2. Your Science Laboratory
  3. Physical Quantities and Their Units
  4. The Use of Measuring Instruments, Accuracy, Consistency, Sensitivity and Errors
  5. Density
  6. Steps in a Scientific Investigation
  7. Scientific Attitudes and Values in Carrying Out Scientific Investigations

02 Cell as the Basic Unit of Life

  1. Cell – Structure, Function and Organisation
  2. Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis

03 Coordination and Response

  1. Homeostasis in Living Things

04 Reproduction

  1. Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
  2. Human Reproductive System
  3. The Menstrual Cycle
  4. Fertilisation and Pregnancy
  5. Factors Affecting the Development of a Foetus and Baby
  6. Infertility and Contraception
  7. Plant Reproduction

05 Matter

5.1 Matter in Nature
5.2 Three States of Matter

06 Periodic Table

6.1 Classification of Elements 164
6.2 Mixtures 176
6.3 Compounds 185

07 Air

7.1 Composition of Air
7.2 Combustion
7.3 Air Pollution

08 Light and Optics

8.1 The Usage of Mirrors
8.2 Properties of Light
8.3 Reflection of Light
8.4 Refraction of Light
8.5 Dispersion of Light
8.6 Scattering of Light
8.7 Addition and Subtraction of Light

09 Earth

9.1 The System and Structure of the Earth
9.2 Composition of the Earth
9.3 Main Processes of the Earth
9.4 Geohazard Phenomena
9.5 Age of the Earth
9.6 Earth Resources and Applied Geology

Form 2 Science (KSSM)

01 Biodiversity

  1. Diversity of Organisms
  2. Classification of Organisms

02 Ecosystem

  1. Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
  2. Nutrient Cycle in an Ecosystem
  3. Interdependence and Interaction Among Organisms and between Organisms and the Environment
  4. Role of Humans in Maintaining a Balanced Nature

03 Nutrition

  1. Classes of Food
  2. Importance of a Balanced Diet
  3. Human Digestive System
  4. Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
    Food and Defecation

04 Human Health

  1. Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases
  2. Body Defence

05 Water and Solution

  1. Physical Characteristics of Water
  2. Solution and Rate of Solubility
  3. Water Purification and Water Supply

06 Acids and Alkalis

  1. Properties of Acids and Alkalis
  2. Neutralisation

07 Electricity and Magnetism

  1. Electricity
  2. Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and
    Parallel Circuit
  3. Magnetism

09 Heat

  1. Relationship between Temperature and Heat
  2. Heat Flow and Thermal Equilibrium
  3. Principle of Expansion and Contraction of Matter
  4. Relationship between Types of Surface of Object, and
    Heat Absorption and Emission

10 Sound Waves

  1. Characteristics of Sound Waves
  2. Loudness and Pitch of Sound
  3. Phenomena and Application of Reflection of Sound Waves

11 Stars and Galaxies in the Universe

Stars and Galaxies in the Universe

12 Solar System

  1. Solar System

13 Meteoroids, Asteroids, Comet

  1. Other Objects in the Solar System; such as Meteoroids,
    Asteroids and Comets

Form 3 Science (KSSM)

01 Stimuli and Responses

Coming Soon

  1. Human Nervous System
  2. Stimuli and Responses in Humans
  3. Stimuli and Responses in Plants
  4. Importance of Responses to Stimuli in Animals

02 Respiration

Coming Soon

  1. Human Respiratory System
  2. Movement and Exchange of Gases in the Human Body
  3. Health of Human Respiratory System
  4. Adaptations in Respiratory Systems
  5. Gaseous Exchange in Plants

03 Transportation

Coming Soon

  1. Transport System in Organisms
  2. Blood Circulatory System
  3. Human Blood
  4. Transport System in Plants
  5. Blood Circulatory System in Animals and Transport System in Plants

04 Reactivity of Metals

Coming Soon

  1. Variety of Minerals
  2. Reactivity Series of Metals
  3. Extraction of Metals from their Ores

05 Thermochemistry

Coming Soon

  1. Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

06 Electricity and Magnetism

1. Activity 6.1
2. Activity 6.2
3. Activity 6.4
4. Formative Practice 6.1
5. Experiment 6.1
6. Formative Practice 6.2
7. Formative Practice 6.3
8. Formative Practice 6.4

  1. Generation of Electricity
  2. Transformer
  3. Transmission and Distribution of Electricity
  4. Calculating the Cost of Electricity Consumption

07 Energy and Power

1. Activity 7.1
2. Formative Practice 7.1
3. Formative Practice 7.2
4. Formative Practice 7.3

  1. Work, Energy and Power
  2. Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
  3. Principle of Conservation of Energy

08 Radioactivity

1. Formative Practice 8.1
2. Formative Practice 8.2
3. Formative Practice 8.3
4. Formative Practice 8.4

  1. Discovery of Radioactivity
  2. Atom and Nucleus
  3. Ionising and Non-ionising Radiation
  4. Uses of Radioactive Radiation

09 Space Weather

Coming Soon

  1. Activities of the Sun that Affect the Earth
  2. Space Weather

10 Space Exploration

Coming Soon

  1. Development in Astronomy
  2. Development of Technology and their Application in Space Exploration