Activity 8.10 – Science Form 2 Chapter 8

Activity 8.10:Aim: To show the existence of atmospheric pressure in daily life.Materials: Water and shredded paperApparatus: Plunger, Magdeburg hemisphere, straw, syringe, vacuum cleaner, beaker, drinking glass, rubber tube, tiles and basinInstructionQuestion 1:Wet the rim of a plunger with water. Press the plunger against a piece of tile so that air in the plunger is displaced … Read more

Activity 8.9 – Science Form 2 Chapter 8

Activity 8.9:Aim: To study the factors that affect gas pressure.Material: WaterApparatus: Bourdon gauge, 250 ml beaker, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, retort stand with clamp, wire gauze, wooden block, thermometer, rubber tube, stirrer, round-bottom flask and syringe(A) VolumeInstruction1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 8.35.2. Push the piston into the syringe. Observe the change … Read more

Experiment 8.2 – Science Form 2 Chapter 8

Experiment 8.2:Aim: To study the relationship between surface area and pressure.Problem statement: What is the effect of surface area on pressure produced by the same force?Hypothesis: The larger the surface area, the lower the pressure exerted.Variables:(a) Constant variable: Metal blocks of the same mass(b) Manipulated variable: Surface area(c) Responding variable: Depth of dentMaterials: Metal block … Read more

Formative Practice 8.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 8

Question 1:Name the force acting in each of the following situations (Photograph 1). Answer:(a) Gravitational force(b) Frictional force(c) Buoyant force Question 2:Photograph 2 shows a man pushing a car. Show the direction of the pushing force and point of application of force on the photograph. Answer: Question 3:Photograph 3 shows a football being kicked by … Read more