Experiment 9.2 – Science Form 2 Chapter 9

Experiment 9.2:Aim: To study how a dark object absorbs and radiates heat better than a white object.Problem statement: Do dark objects absorb and radiate heat better than white objects?Hypothesis: Dark objects absorb and radiate heat better than white objects.A Good heat absorberVariables:(a) Constant variable: Distance from the heat source(b) Manipulated variable: Colour of surface(c) Responding … Read more

Experiment 9.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 9

Experiment 9.1:Aim: To study the uses of different materials as heat insulators.Problem statement: Which is a good heat insulator, cotton, felt or aluminium foil?Hypothesis: Cotton and felt are good heat insulators.Variables:(a) Constant variable: Volume of water in the flat-bottom flasks(b) Manipulated variable: Types of insulators(c) Responding variable: Final temperatureMaterials: Cotton, felt, aluminium foil and boiling … Read more

Activity 9.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 9

Question:Aim: To show heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation.Materials: Candle wax, water, matches, candle, incense stick, potassium permanganate crystal and thumbtacksApparatus: Copper rod, beaker, wire gauze, bell jar, bulb, T-shaped cardboard, thermometer, tripod stand, retort stand with clamp and Bunsen burner(A) Conduction1. Stick three thumbtacks on a copper rod using candle wax and … Read more