Formative Practice 4.6 – Science Form 1 Chapter 4

Question 1:
List four factors of sterility in males and females.

Factors of male sterility:
(i) Low quality of sperm
(ii) Low sperm count
(iii) Testes cannot produce sperm
(iv) Impotent

Factors of female sterility:
(i) Ovaries cannot produce ovum
(ii) Blockage in the Fallopian tubes
(iii) Abnormal uterus
(iv) Tumour in the uterus

Question 2:
What methods can be used to help a married couple to have a child if
(a) the husband is sterile?
(b) the wife has a blockage in her Fallopian tubes?

(a) Hormone injection and surgery

(b) Treatment using IVF method

Question 3:
Explain vasectomy and ligation method.

(a) Vasectomy: sperm ducts are cut and the two ends are then tied to prevent the sperms from being transported to the urethra.

(b) Ligation: both Fallopian tubes are cut and the two ends are then tied to prevent the ovum from meeting the sperms.

Question 4:
What is meant by test tube baby?

Test tube baby is a baby that is formed using the IVF method. The sperm and ovum are fertilised in a glass dish. Then, the fertilised embryo is put inside the uterus to develop.

Question 5:
State two importance of practising frequent health screening for an individual.

Frequent health screening can detect the early symptoms of chronic diseases and reduce the risk of health problems which require high-cost treatments.

Question 6:
Abortion should not be the method to prevent birth. Give your opinion.

Abortion should not be the method to prevent birth because each living being has the right to live even in the womb.

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