Formative Practice 3.4 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Question 1:The figure on the right shows the human large intestine.(a) Name X and state its function.(b) What is the movement that helps the movement of undigested food through the large intestine?(c) What is reabsorbed by the large intestine? Answer:(a) Rectum; stores faeces before it is eliminated(b) Peristalsis movement(c) Water Question 2:Kusairi does not like … Read more

Experiment 3.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Experiment 3.1:Aim: To study the absorption of glucose through a Visking tube.Problem statement: Can glucose diffuse through a Visking tube?Hypothesis: Glucose can diffuse through a Visking tube.Variables:(a) Constant variables: Type and size of Visking tube, temperature, time(b) Manipulated variable: Content in the Visking tube(c) Responding variable: Presence of glucose in the distilled waterMaterials: 1% starch … Read more

Formative Practice 3.3 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Question 1:What is meant by digestion? Answer:Digestion is the process of breaking down large and complex food into small and simple molecules. Question 2:Complete the flow chart about the flow of food in the digestive tract. Answer:(a) Mouth (b) Oesophagus (c) Stomach (d) Duodenum(e) Small intestine(f) Large intestine(g) Rectum (h) Anus Question 3:Name three digestive enzymes and state … Read more

Activity 3.7 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Activity 3.7:Aim: To study the action of enzyme in saliva on starch.Materials: 1% starch suspension, iodine solution, Benedict’s solution and distilled waterApparatus: Boiling tube, Bunsen burner, glass rod, wire gauze, 250 ml beaker, test tube, test tube holder, stopwatch, dropper, tripod stand, retort stand with clampInstruction1. Rinse your mouth with distilled water and collect saliva … Read more

Formative Practice 3.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Question 1:Name the food class based on the functions given. Answer:(a) Water, fat (b) Protein(c) Carbohydrate (d) Vitamin Question 2:Name the diseases caused by deficiencies of the following vitamins.(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D Answer:(a) Night blindness// Skin diseases(b) Beri-beri// Anaemia(c) Scurvy(d) Rickets // Toothache // Skin diseases Question 3:State the effects … Read more

Activity 3.1 – Science Form 2 Chapter 3

Activity 3.1:Aim: To test for the presence of starch, glucose, protein and fat.Materials: Iodine solution, 1% starch suspension, Benedict’s solution, 10% glucose solution, Millon’s reagent, albumen suspension, ethanol, cooking oil and distilled waterApparatus: Test tube, dropper, beaker, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, tripod stand, test tube holder, stopper and test tube rack(A) Iodine test for starch:Instruction1. … Read more