Aim: To study the pattern of a magnetic field.
Materials: Iron filings and a piece of thin card
Apparatus: Bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, magnadur magnet, compass and drawing paper
1. Sprinkle some iron filings evenly on a thin piece of card. (Photograph 7.15).

2. Place the card on a piece of bar magnet (Photograph 7.16) and tap the card gently until a pattern is formed.

3. Draw the pattern that is formed.
4. Arrange four compasses and a bar magnet on the piece of drawing paper as shown in Figure 7.15.

5. Mark the direction of the compass needle on the pattern that you have already drawn in step 3.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 by replacing the bar magnet with a horseshoe magnet and magnadur magnet.
1. Which part of the magnet can you see the most magnetic field lines?
2. What is the direction of the magnetic field lines?
3. What is the relationship between the magnetic field lines and the strength of the magnetic field?
1. At both poles of the magnet.
2. From the north pole to the south pole.
3. The closer the magnetic field lines, the stronger the magnetic field.
Aim: To study the pattern of a magnetic field.
Materials: Iron filings and a piece of thin card
Apparatus: Bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, magnadur magnet, compass and drawing paper
1. Sprinkle some iron filings evenly on a thin piece of card. (Photograph 7.15).

2. Place the card on a piece of bar magnet (Photograph 7.16) and tap the card gently until a pattern is formed.

3. Draw the pattern that is formed.
4. Arrange four compasses and a bar magnet on the piece of drawing paper as shown in Figure 7.15.

5. Mark the direction of the compass needle on the pattern that you have already drawn in step 3.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 by replacing the bar magnet with a horseshoe magnet and magnadur magnet.
1. Which part of the magnet can you see the most magnetic field lines?
2. What is the direction of the magnetic field lines?
3. What is the relationship between the magnetic field lines and the strength of the magnetic field?
1. At both poles of the magnet.
2. From the north pole to the south pole.
3. The closer the magnetic field lines, the stronger the magnetic field.