Formative Practice 2.4 – Science Form 2 Chapter 2

Question 1:
List four human activities that can destroy the ecosystem.

Logging, open burning, illegal hunting, unrestricted catching of fish
(Any other answers are accepted)

Question 2:
State two effects for each of the following activities to the balance of nature.
(a) Deforestation 
(b) Industrialisation
(c) Agriculture
(d) Waste disposal

(a) (i) Destruction of habitat
(ii) Migration or death of animals

(b) (i) Increase of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
(ii) Acid rain that destroys decomposer bacteria in the ground

(c) (i) Flow of fertiliser into rivers that affects aquatic life
(ii) Use of pesticides kills other organisms apart from the pests

(d) (i) Breeding of pests such as rats
(ii) Disposal of rubbish into drains causes flash floods

Question 3:
Mr. Lim wants to start a sustainable oil palm plantation. In your opinion, how can Mr. Lim control the rat population that frequently destroys crops?

Rear owls to to eat the rats that destroy crops.

Question 4:
Haze happens more frequently in our country. State:
(a) the cause of haze
(b) the effects of haze on people and the environment
(c) the steps to be taken to avoid haze from happening

(a) Open burning/ smoke from car exhausts/ smoke from factories

(b) Cough/ flu/ asthma getting worse/ limited range of vision / greenhouse effect/ global warming

(c) (i) Enforce laws
(ii) Conduct awareness campaigns
(iii) Highlight the issue of haze in school

Question 5:
Give two reasons why humans need a balanced ecosystem.

(a) Protect species from extinction so that future generations can see them.

(b) Animals and plants are needed for food and oxygen.

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