Formative Practice 2.3 – Science Form 2 Chapter 2

Question 1:
Fill in the boxes using the choice of answers given.

(a) A group of goats in a grass field.  [   ]

(b) A small pond that has lotus plants, grass, a group of tadpoles, a few fish, ducks and frogs.  [   ]

(c) A grass field that becomes the living place of a group of goats.  [   ]

(d) A tropical rainforest where there are a variety of plants and animals that are interdependent on one another.  [   ]

(a) Population 
(b) Community
(c) Habitat
(d) Ecosystem

Question 2:
Based on the situation below, state the kind of interaction that happens between these living organisms.

(a) Competition
(b) Commensalism
(c) Parasitism

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